San Diego, CA

Megan Jenkins

Hooping and Tarot Workshops

Hello hoop family! I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and share my hoop story. My name is Megan, my performer name is Riveting PyRose. My journey started 7 years ago when, I got injured playing ultimate frisbee in college.   I pulled my hip and was in physical therapy. When I asked my PT how she felt about me hula hooping to get my strength back, she loved the idea. Being a solo hooper in Iowa meant I had to learn via youtube. I was hooked and when I finally moved back to California I grew by leaps and bounds as a hooper.   I found a local hoop jam, taught myself to spin fire, performed at burning man, took my first hoop class, joined a performance hoop troop (The Hoop Unit), started a weekly fire jam, wrote my first solo act, became active director of my troop and even produced my full stage show!! I’m am beyond excited to sharing my passion for hooping, and hopefully spark your passion as well.