October 10th is World Mental Health Day! World Mental Health Day is a day for global mental health awareness, education and advocacy against stigma.

Read on to see 7 actions you can take, starting today, to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

1. Make A Mini Goal

The activities we take part in give us a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and confidence. They can also help us connect with others.

Think of a small activity you want to accomplish every day, like making your bed, going for a 15 min walk, or cooking at home.

The activity can be anything. The important thing is to set the goal and follow through. *Pro tip: share it with someone for extra accountability.

2. Learn Skills for the Rough Days

We have all developed coping mechanisms as a part of living life and growing older. But what if they’re not enough for a particular day? Learning activities you can practice can help you deal with tough times when they arise.

Art, music, and journaling can help you express yourself, and therefore avoid internalizing difficult emotions and thoughts.

You can acknowledge your triggers, and practice kindness for yourself, while you work through your feelings. *Pro tip: You can even trash or (safely) burn your expressions to let them go into the ether.

3. Connect With Others

Connecting with family, friends, colleagues, and pets can all help strengthen your well being.

We are social creatures, but we often hide when we’re down. So finding people we can connect with, without having to perform can give us a sense of safety and acceptance.

Looking to create new connections? The best bet is through interest-based activities like volunteering, taking classes, joining a sports team, or a hobby group.

4. You Are What You Eat

Ayurvedic knowledge has been sharing the importance of eating well for centuries, and modern science is now catching up.

Even so, many people still don’t acknowledge the connection between their diet and their wellbeing. Your diet is directly linked to your Mood, your Energy Levels, and your Health & Well Being.

Fueling yourself with nutritious food and enough water gives your body and brain the power they need to function well, and feel good.

5. Get Moving

Staying active is not only a great mood booster, it helps manage stress levels and improves sleep!

The key to getting moving is finding something you LIKE to do. Whether it’s yoga, hiking, swimming, gardening, or going to the gym, find something you enjoy.

If you enjoy the activity, you’re much more likely to stick with it. *Pro tip: start with small manageable goals, and ask a friend to join you!

6. Get Plenty of Sleep

Quality sleep is known to help with giving you More Energy, Improved Concentration, and helps protect your Mental Health & Wellbeing

Tips for better sleep:

  • Screens off at least 1 hour before bedtime
  • Relaxation exercises like Meditation, Slow Breathing, or Yoga
  • Quitting caffeine at least 6 hours before bed

*Pro tip: you can download sleep tracks, white noise, or other types of relaxation exercises, like our meditations

7. Ditch Alcohol & Other Drugs

While they seem fun or helpful in the moment, using substances as a band aid for true mental wellness is a shortsighted plan that eventually fails.

Studies have shown that alcohol and other drugs have negative effects on brain chemistry, sleep, and cause inflammation in the body. Long term effects include heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Not to mention the withdrawal symptoms. There’s a reason terms like “hangxiety” and “Sunday scaries” exist.

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