Meet Christina Rogers


We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Christina Rogers a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Christina, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today What’s the best advice you ever gave to a client? How did they benefit / what was the result? (Please note this response is for education/entertainment purposes only and shouldn’t be construed as advice for the reader)

One of the biggest topics I discuss with anyone who’ll listen is Core Values. What they are, and how they apply to affecting positive change in your life. Everyone struggles from time to time with sticking to their needs, or boundaries. And often this leaves us feeling low, or out of alignment.

Learning about your deepest core values will teach you how to choose which direction to go in, in times of uncertainty, because you’re measuring everything against a golden ruler that you have created for yourself through years of trial and error.

Knowing what values you hold in the highest regard will make it easier for you to say ‘no’ when something isn’t right for you, whatever it may be, because you know it doesn’t align with your truest self. It takes the pressure off.

As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?

After being bullied throughout my life, I developed a passion for helping others look within to find the courage to show up authentically and without apology.

And so I founded Lunar Lotus in 2016, with the mission of helping others cultivate their confidence and personal empowerment through workshops, retreats and fun experiences.

And through these last few months, I’ve learned what I really want to create in our industry, is opportunities for others to cultivate/develop clarity, awareness, self-efficacy, agility/adaptability, and therefore (hopefully) confidence.

Everyone starts at a different spot, but I would hope that the people we get to work with will leave feeling a bit more empowered to take whatever next steps are in front of them.

By combining self-defense training with core values and accountability coaching, we help others to self-actualize and reach their full potential.

Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?

One of my greatest challenges as a person really came to the surface when I quit my corporate job and went full-time entrepreneur. I learned through experience that I was tying my self-worth to my productivity.

If I wasn’t producing results, than what was I even worth? It was a deep set of behavioral and thought patterns that were destroying my confidence and my inner peace, because I was dependent upon the outside world to prove that I was worth something. If no one hired me, or wanted what I was offering, my worth was nil.

It’s unfortunately a massively common pattern we’re raised with, especially in the western world. “Produce, produce more! Consume, consume more! Otherwise we have no use for you.”

It’s so toxic and 100% not true. Your worth is inherent. You’re here, you exist. The universe saw fit to experience itself in your form, and therefore, you are everything.

Learn to uncouple your productivity from your worth. I promise you it’s freeing.

Are there any books, videos, essays or other resources that have significantly impacted your management and entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy?

I could list a mountain of books and resources, but what I’ll focus on is community. I attended multiple business accelerators within a 6 month period, and what I found is “We are better together.”

Books and videos are amazing. I highly recommend researching your industry with gusto; but they won’t fill in that gap of other people. Other people that are going through the same struggles you are, AND other people that have succeeded. You need both in your space.

One of my absolute favorite quotes: “Surround yourself with relentless humans. People who plan in decades, but live in moments. Train like savages, but create like artists.

Obsess in work, relax in life. People who know this is finite, and choose to play infinite games. Find people going up mountains. Climb together.”

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Image Credits
Christina Rogers Photography